








  《 抗击新冠肺炎疫情 企业责任与担当》


  在开始我的演讲之前,请首先允许我对过去数月失去挚爱的人们表示哀悼和慰问。Before I start, please allow me to express my condolence to those who lost their beloved ones in the past few months.

  很荣幸能够参加中国日报的新时代大讲堂。It is my honor to join you at China Daily’s Vision China Talks.

  当下,正是全球共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情的时刻。新时代大讲堂非常及时地给予了我们一个讲述企业在抗击疫情中如何履行社会责任的很好的平台。At the moment, as the world is fighting COVID-19 together, Vision China Talks timely gives us a good opportunity to talk about enterprises’ social responsibility in fighting the virus.

  我很高兴能够借此机会跟大家分享中国中央企业在这场艰难斗争中所作出的努力与贡献。And it is of much delight for me to take this opportunity to share with you the contributions and sacrifices made by Chinese central State-owned enterprises in this tough battle.


  众所周知,中央企业是我们国家最值得信赖和可靠的力量之一。在每一个关键时刻,他们都挺身而出,力挽狂澜。As is known to all, Chinese central SOEs are one of the most trustworthy and reliable forces of the state. At every critical moment, they’ve stepped forward and turned the tide.

  有许多人和事都让我永远无法忘怀。And there are people and things I will never forget.

  我永远不会忘记黄锡璆博士,一位来自国机集团,近80岁高龄的工程师,在“非典”时期,他曾担任北京小汤山医院的总设计师。I will never forget Dr. Huang Xiqiu, an architect of Sinomach, almost 80 years old, the chief designer of Xiaotangshan Hospital in Beijing during SARS epidemic.

  为在武汉设计另外一个“小汤山”,他和他的团队孜孜不倦地做着案头准备工作。He worked tirelessly with his team, getting ready for the design of another one in Wuhan.

  一接到任务,他们仅用了大约78分钟便完成了火神山医院的设计方案。Once the request for help came, they worked out the design of Huoshenshan Hospital in merely 78 minutes.


  2020年1月31日,武汉,火神山医院施工现场。摄影 红星新闻 王效/人民视觉

  我永远不会忘记,中国建筑动员了成千上万名建筑工人,夜以继日开展工作,仅在短短的10天时间里就分别建成了火神山和雷神山医院。I will never forget China State Construction, an enterprise mobilized tens of thousands of builders who worked around the clock and finished the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital respectively in just 10 days.

  有人说这是一个奇迹。是的。中国建筑及其建筑工人们,以中国速度,完成了许多人觉得不可能完成的任务。Some people said it was a miracle. Yes. The enterprise and those builders, they made the mission impossible possible at the speed of China.

  我永远不会忘记东航集团MU5000航班上的全体机组成员。I will never forget the crew of Flight MU5000, China Eastern Airline.

  在中国新年的除夕之夜,当全国人民都在欢度佳节之时,他(她)们正运送着首支国家医疗队前往武汉前线。On the Eve of Chinese New Year, when people all over the country were celebrating the festival, they were flying the first national medical team to the frontline —Wuhan.

  紧随其后,中航集团和南航集团也加入其中。And soon Air China and China Southern Airline joined in.

  我永远不会忘记国机集团、航空工业集团、中船集团、兵器工业集团、中国电子和通用技术集团。I will never forget Sinomach, AVIC, CSSC, Norinco, CEC and Genertec.

  在医疗物资十分匮乏的时刻,这六家企业从零开始,仅在几天内就制造出生产口罩和防护服所需的机械和设备。When medical supplies were in severe shortage, those six enterprises tried their utmost to manufacture machinery and equipment for producing face masks and protective suits from scratch in just a few days.

  我也不会忘记中国石化和新兴际华集团,他们在几周内将口罩的日产量从零提高到了近1000万套,防护服的日产量提高到了近20万套。Neither will I forget Sinopec and Xinxing Cathay, which boosted daily production of face masks from 0 to almost 10,000,000 and protective suits to almost 200,000 within weeks.

  正是因为他们的贡献,我们的战士们,那些受人尊敬的医生和护士才能够得到齐备的武装。It was for their contribution that our soldiers, those respectable doctors and nurses could be properly armed.

  我永远不会忘记央企所属医院的6万多名医务人员,他们夜以继日地工作,在疫情重创地区抢救生命,展现了伟大的仁爱精神。I will never forget, over 60,000 medical staff from hospitals owned by central SOEs worked relentlessly around the clock and showed their grand spirits of benevolence as they saved lives in the areas hit hard by the epidemic.

  我永远不会忘记国药集团、通用技术集团和华润集团,他们为一线提供了从试剂盒到有效的中药等充足的“弹药”。I will never forget Sinopharm, Genertec and China Resources who provided the frontline with sufficient ammunition ranging from testing kits to effective Chinese medicines.

  国药集团在(新冠)灭活疫苗的研发方面取得了实质性进展,这给人类在不久的将来免受病毒侵害带来了希望。 And Sinopharm has made substantial progress in the research and development of inactivated vaccine, which gives hope to humanity to be shielded from the virus in the near future.

  在这里,有太多令人难忘的人和事要分享。There are too many unforgettable people and things to share here.

  我想强调的是,我们现在面临的不仅是一场抗击疫情的战斗,也是一场促进经济增长的战斗。What I want to stress is that what we face now is not only a battle against the epidemic, but also a fight for economic growth.

  中央企业在经济和社会复苏中发挥了强大的驱动力。Central SOEs have exerted a strong driving force in economic and social recovery.

  如今,他们已经完全复工复产,引领着产业链和供应链的复苏。Now they have fully resumed work and production, leading the recovery of industrial chains and supply chains.


  除了保护中国人民的生命和健康,中央企业还以实际行动践行着构建人类命运共同体的理念。Apart from protecting the life and health of our people, central SOEs also stand for the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

  他们协调资源,加强国际抗击疫情合作,力所能及地向其他国家提供急需的物资和援助,增强国际社会战胜病毒的信心。They coordinated resources to strengthen international anti-virus cooperation by providing much-needed supplies and assistance to other countries within their capacity, boosting the international community’s confidence in defeating the virus.

  我们面对的病毒,不分国界。We are faced with a virus respects no borders.

  正如习近平主席在第73届世界卫生大会视频会议开幕式致辞中强调的。我们要始终坚持以民为本,生命至上。As is said by President Xi Jinping in his statement at virtual event of opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly. We must always put the people first, for nothing in the world is more precious than people’s lives.

  在这方面,中央企业已经并将继续发挥其应有的作用,在困难面前挺身而出,保护人民的生命和健康。In this regard, central SOEs have played and will continue to play their due role in rising up to occasions and safeguarding people’s life and health.

  中央企业已经并将一如既往地履行好社会责任。他们随时准备着尽其所能为疾病控制和救灾工作做出努力和贡献。 Central SOEs have fulfilled and will fulfill their social responsibilities as always. They are ready to offer whatever they can to help with disease control and disaster relief.

  无论何时有需要,无论需求是什么,中央企业从不会辜负我们的依靠。Whenever there is a need, whatever the need is, we can count on central SOEs.

  最后,我要感谢各界朋友和世界各地的合作伙伴们,感谢你们对中央企业的支持和信任。To conclude, I’d like to thank friends from all walks of life and partners from all corners of the world for your support of and trust on central SOEs.

  让我们团结一致,齐心协力,共同保护好全球人民的生命和健康。Let’s come together, stay with unity and work as one, making concerted efforts to protect the life and health of people on this planet.

  将我们的世界建设成为一个人民可以安全地呼吸,自由地行动,幸福地生活的更加美好的世界。 So that our world can be a better place where people can breathe safely, move freely and live happily!

  谢谢!Thank you!






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